A Hire Dynamic


At Hire Connections, we take the time to qualify each applicant by identifying what it is that will make a successful partnership. Our goal is to make sure the fit is right for both “clients”: the company and the applicant.


We offer one-on-one, in-depth interviews with each applicant learning about their past accomplishments, what they are looking for in future roles, what type of schedules, and pay requirements they have so there are no surprises. Each applicant is evaluated with comprehensive skill set testing for a variety of software packages.

Reference Check

Through in-depth reference checking, Hire Connections researches the past companies where the candidate worked, the skills used, the strengths and weaknesses of the relationship, education history and verification (if requested), and a full background check, including criminal, drug, and credit(when required).


An analysis of current market salary and benefits will be done so you stay competitive and are able to attract and retain the top employees. Confidential searches are done when needed for sensitive or timely situations.

Our Guarantee

Hire Connections values our relationships with our clients; if you are not satisfied with the candidate, let us know as soon as possible, and you will not receive an invoice for that individual. We are that confident in our processes.